Monday, May 18, 2009

My Piano Recital

This past Saturday I had a piano recital and I played a song from Bach- "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring".

I think it was kind of an adventure learning this song because I picked out the song about two to three weeks ago and the studio I go to wanted it memorized for this recital. So I started practicing this three page song (and I have a little trouble reading left hand music notes so that added on to the pressure!) and hammered it within two days of the recital! They had given me the option of playing a one and a half page song that I almost was going to do but my parents both knew I could do more than that so they encouraged me to really try to do this song and now you see the results!

Me and my piano teacher, Shelly Mahoney.

Me by a good looking piano!


A Joyful Chaos said...

I enjoyed that very much! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Weee! That was great Janai, I just finished dancing to a mean Beat, where I moved my Feet, ohhh.. so Sweet!

Excellente!! Everybody in the world can tell that we share the same genes, and I do not mean Calvin Kleines.

Your Tio,